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Double Vision

Larry Becker & Lee Earle

(Based on 1 review)
A beautifully produced, soft-cover European travel guide, gaffed to high heaven in ways that are only visible to you! The oversized book (5.25 x 8") contains more than 100 different photos, city maps for walking tours, pen & ink drawings, travel poster replicas, plus 235 pages of textÑand no two pages are alike. Your participant can look at any page in the book and you will be able to accurately reproduce incredible detail from any drawings, illustrations, and photos on the page. No duplicate photos, illustrations, maps or blocks of text. Every page is truly different. No crib sheets or extraneous devices required. no long/short words. No anagrams. No forces. No impressions, No pre-show work. Double Vision is totally self-contained and can be performed as a stand-alone routine or used to compliment other book tests.


I perform a lot of book tests including The Mother of All Book tests, By Choice and by Chance and most of the LB&LE book tests. I think it is important that you give the spectator a choice of books that look different and apply a different system to imply the trick could be done with any book. (Do not tell the spectator what you are going to do, e.g. give him the dice only if he chooses By choice and by Chance) More of Europe for Less has never been suspected of being gaffed, it is extremely well done. Like the Flashback books it is very easy, as long as you do not want to use all its possibilities. That requires a little bit more remembering. Especially for non-English performers this book is excellent as the question never arises: "Why not a local language book". Fiction is available but a book of this type mostly not. (Do cover all book covers with self gluing tranparent foil to keep them good looking). This book test is Highly recommended for all who like book tricks, which I feel will be appreciated even after the inevitable will finally happen to electronic tricks: people will begin to realize they do the same magic themlselves every day when they open their car door with a remote control. Kaarlo von Freymann Helsinki Finland
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