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Drawing on December 1st, 2024

Brushstrokes Over Reality

Jim Steinmeyer

Hahne Books

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Is magic an art? Magicians have been thinking about it in the wrong way for more than a century. If you feel that the question is merely academic, Brushstrokes explains the value for every magician, with examples from history and from current performances: what happens in a magic show, and what happens in a theater show? How do you make your magic more important, more memorable, and more intriguing? How do audiences feel that something becomes artistic? What does that mean?

The essay is illustrated with six novel, modern stand-up effects—with cards, glasses, words, and envelopes—to focus on additional elements that can add reality, interest and theatricality. These include Long Ago and Far Away, a transposition of a spectator’s credit card from one side of the stage to the other, and The Vasty Deep, a modern spiritual interpretation of the old, suspicious practice of Spiritualism. Thirty-two pages, plus cover; full color with fifty-one photos and illustrations. Written with honesty and good humor, this book will demonstrate the range of magic that can surprise your audiences.