Sixth Sense 3 by Hugo Shelley - Trick
Shelley, Hugo
More than three times as powerful as its predecessor, this tiny device allows you to perform a variety of beautiful mind-reading effects including the classic, 'which hand.' Place the sensor under your watch strap and a silent vibration will let you know in which hand a volunteer has hidden a magnetic coin.
Sixth Sense 3 now works with all magnetic currency, even smaller coins like the US quarter!
The Effect
You challenge a volunteer to a simple guessing game. They hide a coin in one of their hands, and you guess which one it is in. If you get it wrong, they win $100.
You win but propose a new game. This time you play again, but for $1000...
Playing just as well in a casual environment as to an audience of thousands, this is only one of a number of possible effects that can be performed, from predictions to multi-spectator routines. Any magnetic object can be used: coins, PK rings and more.
We have upgraded the device to detect all kinds of magnetic currency, even smaller coins such as the US quarter or UK 10p.
Example Coins: Magnetic Quarter Dollar/UK 10p (Range: 12cm) Magnetic