Divination ESP Test
Amazo Magic
(Based on 1 review)
With these 5 ESP cards, you will be able to present mysterious experiments to the audience.
For example, after showing the 5 ESP cards, place them next to each other on the table.
Ask a spectator to choose a card and put the cards on top of each other while your back is turned. You will be able to identify which card has been chosen.
You can also present this experiment blindfolded! The back has no signs or logos to indicate even the slightest difference.
Everything can be examined.
Nothing is attached to the cards.
Includes the 5 ESP rigid paper cards (with silver signs) and written instructions.
(Top ▲)
Products like this can actually be very hard to review: The entire situation here is not complete garbage. Elements in how it is presented/packaged are not-so-great, though. ESP tricks go through certain generations, then they fizzle -- then they are reincarnated a decade later with a few minor pivots. This trick is simple one of those lackluster reincarnations.I am giving this one a VERY SOFT 3 stars. It isn't broken and it does what it promises -- it's just that, to deliver on what it promises requires the spectator AND the performer to do some mildly odd things, that I feel would detract from a performance.