Harbottle, Kainoa
The amazing Craig Ousterling helped me create the exact combination of organization and storage unit I've been looking for....the PMS or Pocket Management System.
This piece is perfect for coins, but since it measures 4.5 in. wide by 3.25 in. tall, it is a great way to organize all your favorite pocket tricks. It has four built-in pockets and is also wide enough to act as a divider for the pocket in use! Craig carries his Morgan dollar set, a copper/silver set, and his Mogar knives. I carry thimbles, dice, coins, knives, and even a packet trick on occasion.
The PMS is available in two different colored trims (limited numbers of each). I use these colors to distinguish my various performance sets (close-up, stand-up, CSB, etc.). When closed, I can easily see which set is which. I remove the PMS from my case, open it up, put it in my pocket (shorts, jeans, pants, or jacket), and I'm ready to go. No glue, pins, or sewing necessary.
Though I really don't like the phrase, this is definitely a piece for "real workers" looking to manage and maximize their carrying and organizational capacity, especially for folks who don't like "coin purses." Now the audience doesn't even have to see how you organize your props: reach in your pocket, take out the trick you want to do, and then put it back.
At Magi-Fest a number of magicians came up to me and shook my hand, thanking me for the usefulness of this device. It might not be for you; if you're not sure, don't buy it! I know a lot of people who will use them and should have them.