Event Horizon
Hand Crafted Miracles
Over 30 years ago while working in the medical field Dannicus of Handcrafted Miracles developed an insidious prosthetic device which he has since employed in performances for magicians and laymen all over the world who never suspected it's existence. With an Event Horizon in place you will be able to shuffle cards, handle coins, balls or other items normally, but be armed with an incredibly powerful and versatile tool whose uses are limited only by your imagination. After 30 years of strict secrecy Handcrafted Miracles is finally making EH available to the magic community.
Each prosthesis is hand made in the HCM workshop to ensure a perfect ergonomic fit and flawless performance. Due to the lengthy manufacturing times required to make Event Horizons availability is limited. The EH will include a belt clip holder for easy of and on access and a link to a video download full of ideas and effects with cards, coins and other items, as well as tips, tricks and shortcuts to help you master the Event Horizon quickly.
Don't miss your opportunity to be one if the first few to own what is destined to become a must have classic of magic.