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Diamond Jack

Diamond Jim Tyler

Diamond Jim Tyler

(Based on 1 review)
An ordinary pack of cards is introduced. The cards are shuffled (wink-wink) by the magician. As the top card is shown to be the Jack of Diamonds the magician begins to impart this reworked classic tale of Diamond Jack. The story reveals how one night turned into quite an adventure. Every card in the deck is used to tell this amazing and funny story.

DJT shows you two versions of this effect. One is the "stage version" that uses some false cuts with jumbo cards. The other is the "shuffled version" where the spectator truly mixes the cards before the magician performs his close-up or parlor version with a poker-sized deck.

There is lots of punny humor as each card is revealed. The routine is also family friendly. During the presentation you can count on at least 20-30 bursts of laughter. There's lots of surprises and it ends on a romantic note that leaves the audience with a warm fuzzy inside. It's not uncommon for this effect to receive a standing ovation. Diamond Jack is a closer!


Stephan Sloan

Official Reviewer

Sep 01, 2024


There is a lot of good card magic out there. Actually, there is a lot of great card magic out there. Unfortunately, for the lay audience they couldn’t differentiate a packet trick from a poker deal. To them, all card magic basically looks the same. However, there is a tiny segment of card magic that is rarely performed but yet it is probably the most memorable. Storytelling with cards has to be the most unforgettable card performance an audience can witness. So why is it that a routine that memorable hardly performed? The answer probably lays in the fact that it is a lot of work to learn and many magicians cannot tell a story to save their lives. Diamond Jack retold by Diamond Jim Tyler is a storytelling primer for those that would like to try their hand at storytelling decks but do not know where to start.


The performer takes out a deck of cards and begins to tell the story of Diamond Jack, his late grandfather. You see, Diamond Jack was a huckster and as the performer tells the story of one of Jack's exploits he produces cards which parallels the story. For example, as he relates Diamond Jack’s age which was 26, he pulls of a 2 and a 6 off the top of the deck. These parallels proceed through the entire story which only ends when the last card is dealt.
The story if told well elicits laughter, groans, smiles and sometimes tears as the tale is woven by the card tossing bard.


The main method for this and almost any storytelling deck is a stack. Through judicious false shuffles and cuts, it appears the cards are coming up “as if by magic” to match the words crafted by the storyteller. If properly done it appears that the performer is utilizing the cards as they show up in an impromptu fashion.

Product Quality

What you receive in the package is a DVD that covers a short history of the storytelling deck, 2 actual perfotmances by Diamond Jim, types of decks used, a brief overview of false shuffles and cuts and some tips and techniques. Also included is the stack used for this particular story and a script with a list of the cards associated with that particular segment of the story.

The DVD runs 37 minutes and is shot very well. It included 2 different performances in two different performing venues, and the nuts and bolts of performing this routine including one where the cards are actually shuffled by a spectator.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is accurate. Although it never states a deck is included, it doesn’t state it doesn’t. You will need to provide and ordinary deck, plus a blank face card that matches your deck back.

Final Thoughts

If you are intrigued with the idea of performing a storytelling deck, there is not much out there available. In addition to Diamond Jack, you can purchase Storytelling Decks by L & L publishing which will not only have the most well -known storytelling routine which is Sam the Bellhop by Bill Malone but also Eugene Burger’s version of Diamond Jack as well. In addition, you can purchase Sam the Bellhop with the 654 Club custom deck by Bill Malone also, as an intense study on that one routine alone. Using the 654 Club custom deck is a perfect reason to ring in your stacked deck to use.
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