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Total Recall

Llaser, Manuel; Vernet Magic

Vernet Magic

(Based on 2 reviews)
Vernet is proud to introduce an extraordinary and unique memory act:

Juan Tamariz said: "It's absolutely convincing and I am totally convinced that Manuel memorizes all the deck as fast as lightning!!!! Extraordinary indeed!!!!

The spectator gives you a well shuffle deck of cards, you have never seen before, and after 30 seconds of memory effort and 200 neurons less you are able to name any card at any number given. The position in that deck of any card named. Also the position of any four of a kind given by the spectator Any sequence of consecutive cards memorize by a member of the audience, and at the end you can recite all the deck in order, or what its even better, gives the deck to the spectator as a present and he can call you any time he wants and you can recite the order for him.

No Mnemonics Any shuffled deck Any time, anywhere Convince your audience of your super memory power. Bonus track: "How to recite the whole deck" Be able to remember the deck forever. The spectator can call you any time and you can recite the entire order of the deck. 100% audience tested


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Mar 05, 2015

Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Mama Tried by Merle Haggard

Manuel Llasser: Total Recall Review

One DVD, one system/routine and $30 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble?


What you're getting is a series of concepts all woven together to create the illusion that you've memorized an entire deck of cards. By the end of the demonstration, you've had someone name a card and you've told them the exact number in the deck. You've had someone name a number and you've told them the exact card at that position. A four of a kind is named, and you can tell them the position of all four cards.

On and on and on. There are several concepts and techniques at play here. When all combined it looks exactly like you've truly memorized the deck. There are several different presentation ideas and "demonstrations of memory" covered on the DVD.

There is very little actual memorization required. Plus there is a technique taught that allows you to avoid what little memorization there is. This effect has a little bit of a jazz magic feel to it. Things vary depending on the circumstances, but in every case, the audience walks away truly believing that you memorized the entire deck in about 40 seconds. With a reasonable amount of work and practice, you'll be able to convince people that you've just memorized their deck of cards.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is accurate. There is one point I want to clarify, however. In the ad copy it says that at the end of the routine you can recite the entire deck in order. While this is true, it relies on you getting up from the table and basically standing in the corner with your face buried in the wall where nobody can see what you're doing. Then you have to recite the deck from this position. You can't actually do it while you're sitting at the table.

Using the same method, you can have the spectator keep the deck and call you any time they want. When they do, you'll be able to recite the entire deck in order. This is a much better way to perform this effect. Rather than burying your face in the corner, you're just talking over the phone.

The video trailer is very accurate. What you see is what you get.

Product Quality

The DVD is well produced overall, but there was one major problem. However, this major problem is the kind of thing that can't really be overcome and ultimately won't effect the final star rating too heavily.

The problem is that the translation. The native language of Manuel Llaser is Spanish. If you watch the English version, there is a voice over guy speaking in English. This caused a few problems. First, in many cases, the explanation is pretty technical, and a few things seemed to be a bit lost in translation making it a bit difficult to follow at times. I was still able to learn how to do it, but it was a bit painful at times.

When it got really crazy was during the interview portion. Manuel Llaser's friend interviewed him. They are both talking back and forth in Spanish, and the voice over guy is speaking English with a Spanish accent, and in many, many places, all three voices were talking at once — they didn't lower the volume of the Llaser and his friend. On top of that, you couldn't tell which person the voice over guy was speaking for.

It sounded like a room full of people and chaos. It was very nerve-wracking to say the least. I felt like my head and body both were going to explode. It was nuts! Even through all that, however, I was able to get the gist of the interview and the added concepts.

The information was taught thoroughly and taught well. It's just that it was difficult to extract the information as an English speaking person. However, if you like the effect, it's worth pushing through the pain.

Final Thoughts

The concept here is solid and based on the of several others whom he credits. It takes a fair bit of work, but very little memorization. The general concept is actually very simple. It just takes time to master. If you like the effect and want to be able to do a borrowed, shuffled deck memorization routine, then you'll be very happy (and maybe a little annoyed if you speak English) with this DVD.

As I said, I can't let the translation issues dock the star rating too much. After all, if you speak Spanish, there are no problems at all. The fact that they took the time to attempt to convert it to English is valuable.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.

(Top ▲)

Doc Johnson

Official Reviewer

Dec 19, 2014


Excellent system and multi-phase routine to appear as though you can memorize an entire shuffled deck.

The system does require a bit of memorization, but it is much easier than you might imagine.

Not only are the methods excellent, he is also a very entertaining performer, and it is worth watching just to see how he keeps the crowd entertained. For example, he takes around 35 seconds to "memorize" the deck, but in that time, he pauses several times for jokes and gags.

The routine consists of three phases, all using slightly different methods. Throughout the phases, he provides good examples of humor and how to engage an audience.


This is not really a heavy duty memorization technique, so don’t worry that this must be very difficult to do. While it does take a bit of memory work, I was able to understand and use the system after a single viewing of the DVD.


Excellent DVD. Entertaining and hard hitting magic.


There is a bit of memory work in this. He fully explains how to accomplish this. However, there are other methods you can look into if different systems are better for you. For example, there is a Peg system that makes the small amount of memory you need even easier.
(Top ▲)