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Tricks Against Humanity

Ross, Eric

Eric Ross

(Based on 2 reviews)
In the world of magic, there exists tricks not talked about. Tricks we're not allowed to show you.

These tricks are considered offensive, explicit, filthy, appalling and most of all... SHOCKING!

These are the "Tricks Against Humanity"!

In this box, you'll learn 14 Tricks to offend, appall, and shock your audience!

Tricks designed and tested from pros all over the world! What better way to have some adult fun?!

Some of the names have been changed to protect the guilty....

The Tricks:
1. The Keno Man - Ron Jaxon
2. The Lemon Party - Anonymous
3. Sponge Dong - Goshman
4. One Night Stand - The Amazing Allison
5. The Black Pool Prediction - Peter McKinnon
6. Card to Tampon - Eric Ross
7. Blow - Anonymous
8. The D*ck Trick - Mr. Phun E.
9. Self Rolling Joint - Eric Ross
10. Magic Flip Offs - Garrett Thomas
11. Disappearing Coke - Mark Bendell & Gary Jones
12, Flash Joint - Anonymous
13. David Coppafeel - Anonymous
BONUS - Dirty Magazine Test - Paul Romhany (Tutorial Only)
(DVD & Gimmicks)


Dr. J. M. Ayala De Cedoz

Official Reviewer

Feb 17, 2015

This product has really been generating some major buzz in the magic community. The majority of it is "how bad and tasteless the material is..." and " bad it is for magic."

**Disclaimer: I did not buy this product myself because I personally would not have a professional use for it, BUT I did receive it from another person to review. I also believe I have a little bit of a unique position on reviewing this because I have also seen Eric Ross perform quite a bit of the material from this product in person and one-on-one.**

Dr. J. is going to rant now: Those are the kinds of statements that really tick me off because while we cannot expect everyone to have the same viewpoint, there are certain things that are universally accepted and have been for ages. The old adage of 'It is not the tricks that make the magic, it is the magician.' applies here, though in a slightly different way.

The problem with effects like the ones contained here on this set is NOT the effects or the contents themselves - it is the magicians that have absolutely NO SENSE of propriety or good judgment. They are the ones that take material like this and perform it in all the wrong places, for the wrong people or for all the wrong crowds. Things like that are what give magic/magicians a bad name. Before this product came out, you have probably seen the same stigma attached to the '21st Century Bra' or the '21st Century Panties' - both of which have gotten magicians in hot water because they performed it on the wrong person in the wrong setting. Does that make the effect bad? No.

If you are going to perform stuff like this you MUST use good judgment, you MUST know your audience and you CANNOT perform this everywhere. For what it is, the material IS tasteless and it does exactly what the ad copy claims: it WILL offend some people. It WILL shock people.

Somewhere out there, there is a magician that works in an appropriate venue and has a use for this stuff. If you do not like it, then it is simple: Do not use it and do not buy it! This is not hard to figure out! Leave it for those that do have a use for it.

If you are a person that would have a use for this, I beg you: PLEASE use your brain when deciding to use this and ONLY use it in the appropriate places for the appropriate audiences. There is nothing in here suitable for kids under 18 (the legal age in the United States) and even at that, it will not be suitable for every adult crowd or venue either.

Personally I would never use these items in public but that is only because they would not suit the venues nor my clientele. I will be the first to admit that when I saw some of these performed live by Eric, some of them made me laugh! Perhaps that is because in some ways I still appreciate the "10 year-old boy humor" type things. Sure, some of them made me groan too, but that does not make them bad.

[Dr. J. gets off soap box]

Now, as for the quality of the materials: I have seen all of the props in person and Eric showed me a good portion of the effects live. In live performance they looked exactly like they did on the DVD.

The props that come with this are also well-made. The credits are given where necessary, which brings me to another point: there is an old effect on the market called "A Night Out with the Girls" which eventually spawned a variation called "A Night Out with the Guys". People bashed Eric for ripping this off of the originator but I can say with absolute certainty it was fully credited and Eric completely admits that he does not claim creation right in the instructions. That was something he even showed me after he performed it because we got to talking about other versions out there.

There is not one item on this DVD that requires you to be inappropriate with your audience in any way with one exception, which is the 'David Coppafeel' and I would not recommend that anyone do it because if you do, you may likely find yourself either in severe pain or in jail or both. The rest of it can be played as "clean" as you like or as suggestive as you like, but given its nature I am sure it is more likely to be the latter that is more often used.

There were some pretty bad audio and video issues on the disc at times and enough that it took a hit from the star rating. If it were not for those issues this would probably be a five star rating. Even with those issues, you are still able to learn everything clearly enough.

The material on this disc comes from a variety of pretty well-known magicians so you might even be shocked to see some of the names on here. I will not be listing any of them because the ad copy already contains that list.

It is sad to have seen many other reviewers and even review shows that absolutely refused to review this product, so it is likely that you will only find this review from yours truly, and one other from Bryce Kuhlman, at least for a while.

I will take a small portion of what Bryce wrote and post it here because I will also not be listing any details. For this, I am borrowing the bullet list as seen in Bryce's review so that you will know what you are getting into:

•Keno Man - phallic origami
•Lemon Party - revealing someone’s innermost “dirty” thoughts
•Sponge Dong - self-explanatory
•One Night Stand - a spectator’s name and number ends up in a “packet” in your wallet
•Black Pool Prediction - just a gag that’s gotta be done for someone you know, unless you want to get punched
•Card To Tampon - self-explanatory
•Blow - vanishing powder
•Dick Trick - a phallic card spread layout for a card revelation
•Self-rolling Joint - a classic with a previously-illegal substance
•Magic Flip Offs - common finger tricks focused on just one finger
•Disappearing Coke - use a standard card move with packets of powder
•Flash Joint - another classic
•David Coppafeel - this is assault; don’t do it
•Dirty Magazine Test - self-explanatory

Bottom line: If you perform in the right venues for the right crowds you will be able to use this stuff and you will not be disappointed. If you do buy and subsequently use this, PLEASE use good judgment. If on the other hand this does not appeal to you, then do not buy it.

4 stars.
(Top ▲)

Bryce Kuhlman

Official Reviewer

Feb 15, 2015

I was told by our contact at Murphy’s that nobody wanted to review this. Sad…

My wife and I have a long history of playing naughty social games with our friends. We also really enjoyed the holiday Cards Against Humanity letters.

Plus I’m a firm believer in using magic to make a statement. I have several routines in my repertoire that would “cause a stir” in some social circles. The trick, of course, is to know your audience.

So I guess it’s up to me to review.

First-off, the subtitle of this product is “A collection of magic tricks for @$$#HOLES.” I mostly disagree with this. It implies that you need to be a jerk to perform this material. With the exception of “David Coppafeel,” there’s not a single routine on the DVD that requires you to be mean or nasty to your audience.

Yeah, they’re all in questionable taste and certainly won’t work for all audiences. And they need to be played tongue-in-cheek. But, again, know your audience.

Following my own guidelines, my rating is based entirely on how well the material is presented and how well it matches what might be expected of it from someone who was inclined to purchase.

With that being said, it pretty-much lives up to the promise. In fact, I probably would have given it 5 stars had it not been for some really bad audio and video on some of the clips and the fact that the menu system sucks (I didn’t realize there was a second page of tricks until I looked at the product description).

I’m not going to tell you what the tricks are, but if you’re at all interested in buying this DVD, I can at least tell you the theme of each piece. Then you can decide for yourself.

  • Keno Man - phallic origami
  • Lemon Party - revealing someone’s innermost “dirty” thoughts
  • Spong Dong - self-explanatory
  • One Night Stand - a spectator’s name and number ends up in a “packet” in your wallet
  • Black Pool Prediction - just a gag that’s gotta be done for someone you know, unless you want to get punched
  • Card To Tampon - self-explanatory
  • Blow - vanishing powder
  • Dick Trick - a phallic card spread layout for a card revelation
  • Self-rolling Joint - a classic with a previously-illegal substance
  • Magic Flip Offs - common finger tricks focused on just one finger
  • Disappearing Coke - use a standard card move with packets of powder
  • Flash Joint - another classic
  • David Coppafeel - this is assault; don’t do it
  • Dirty Magazine Test - self-explanatory

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