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Dream Prediction Elite Version

Romhany, Paul

Paul Romhany

(Based on 2 reviews)
You place an envelope containing a prediction in full view of your audience. A spectator can hold or place the prediction on a table. (The envelope containing the prediction has a clear window so the prediction can be seen in the envelope the ENTIRE TIME!)

Next, you ask your spectators to name ANYTHING! And this means ANYTHING. ( Lottery numbers, Names, Destinations, Dreams or anything that suits your presentation)

Upon opening the envelope the spectator reads the prediction out loud and EVERYTHING matches 100%.
The prediction is given to the spectator to keep as a reminder of the moment you predicted their deepest thoughts...

Includes everything you need right out of the box!

*Gimmicked envelopes have been designed by Mark Parker & Paul Romhany & produced by Alan Wong.

What People are saying...

"DREAM PREDICTION ELITE is the realization of true amazement in your audiences reactions. This is PURE GOLD - A REAL WINNER"- Banachek

"This is the ONLY Confabulation set-up I use in close-up situations - the quality of the envelopes and the wallet is top notch. Highly recommended!!" - Keith Barry

"This is by far one of the strongest open prediction routines I have seen. I never leave home without DREAM PREDICTION ELITE. The best version of any confabulation style routine for walk-about or parlor performances." - Neal Scryer


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Feb 07, 2015

Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: I Live For The Weekend by Triumph

Paul Romhany: Dream Prediction Elite Review

One wallet, one notepad, ten "special" envelopes, one DVD and $100 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


An envelope with a clear window is placed on the table. A folded up piece of paper can be seen inside the envelope through the clear window. The spectator is asked to name whatever you want, a free choice. You write it down on your notepad.

You hand the notepad to a spectator. With empty hands, you pick up the envelope from the table and very clearly dump the folded up piece of paper out of the envelope. The spectator takes it, unfolds it, and reads it. It perfectly matches the word/object/whatever that was named by the spectator. The spectator holding the notepad verifies that what was written on the notepad matches the prediction.

That is the effect, and it is exactly that clean. This can be used for Confabulation or any other prediction.


The method relies on a very simple gimmick that comes with the package. It's a very clever and simple technique. You'll need to spend 1 minute preparing the envelope. It's a one time preparation. After that, the envelope is ready to be used over and over and over with no problem.

The method is based on other classic methods that have stood the test of time. It works very well and is very doable. You are supplied with ten envelopes. This allows you to have different envelopes set up for different types of effects.

In a nutshell, the envelope allows you to show a folded up piece of paper (or whatever your prediction is written on) inside of the envelope through the clear window. Whatever paper is showing through the window never changes. So if it's a red piece of paper, then your prediction will need to be a red piece of paper. However, if you want to use a yellow piece of paper for your prediction, then you'll need to have another envelope prepared to show a yellow piece of paper through the clear window.

If you're strolling and performing table to table, you can just use one envelope with whatever color paper you want. Just make sure your prediction uses the same color of paper. The gimmicked envelope resets instantly, and everything is kept nice and tidy in a pocket-sized portfolio-style notepad holder.

Ad Copy Integrity

Both the written ad copy and the video trailer are 100% accurate. They portray the effect exactly as cleanly as it really is. Take a moment to read the ad copy and watch the ad trailer. Look at how clean it is. Then re-read my above statement about how accurate the ad copy is. Yep. It's that good.

Product Quality

There are several items to judge for product quality, so let's take 'em one piece at a time (thank you Johnny Cash).


The notepad is just a standard 3x5(ish) sized pad of paper that you can find at any office supply store. You receive one with your package, but you'll eventually run out. A quick trip to Office Max, Staples, etc. will solve that problem. The pad fits nicely into the supplied wallet and is made of printer paper material. All is well here.


You receive 10 gimmicked envelopes. They're manila pay envelopes. There's one super small thing you'll need to do with the envelope that takes about a minute and a few pieces of double stick tape. It's one time prep. The envelopes are well made and will last a very long time. Also, if you never change the color of the prediction paper, you can reuse the same envelope hundreds/thousands of times . . . until it just wears out from old age. They'll last a long time, and coincidentally, the one time prep you have to do also happens to add to the sturdiness of the envelope making it last even longer. All is well here.


The wallet is really more of a portfolio — it's pocket-sized, but it's a portfolio — that's designed to hold a pen, a notepad (supplied) and your prediction envelope (supplied). It'll need to be broken in a little bit. Also, the pocket that holds the envelope is a little tight. You'll have to really break that in. If not, the envelope will stick up out of the wallet a little bit. This isn't a problem because it doesn't expose anything. It just prevents the envelope from being fully inside the wallet, and the wallet helps protect it from wear and tear.

However, once you've broken in the wallet, the envelope fits just fine, and will not stick out of the wallet. The only other minor thing is that the wallet/portfolio doesn't close all the way. However, I just put a piece of black elastic around it, and it looks great and holds together nicely. Most is well here.

DVD Production

The DVD production is pretty decent. It wasn't the best lighting or audio, but it wasn't terrible. You can see and hear everything you need, and they use two different camera angles (front and over the shoulder) to make sure you see everything you need clearly. The navigation of the DVD was fine. It's easy to get to everything you need. The only issue was the bonus performance footage by James Holguin.

It started off great. His version of the routine was funny, clever, entertaining, etc. I really was excited to see how it all ended. Then toward the end as he's having the spectator read the prediction, there were some great moments and fun banter happening. Then suddenly, before she even reads the second part of the prediction — there were three parts — the film just cut off and the DVD ended. Bummer. I was hoping to see the rest of it.

Keep in mind, however, that this was just a bonus presentational idea from his friend, Holguin, so you got what you needed (the presentational hook) from the performance. Even though the full ending wasn't there, you still got the meat of everything. So I can't complain too much. All is well enough here.


The instructions for the main effect are very clear. Romhany does a great job showing us how to do the secret action, how to handle the notepad, the prediction, etc., and how to "operate" the envelope. Some of the bonus effects taught, were not covered as clearly/cleanly. They were very much rushed through. The lottery effect, in particular, I felt was very poorly covered. It was a bit unclear, very rushed, and part of the handling was completely left out.

In most cases, the other effects possible with this system have pretty much the exact same handling as each other. However, the lottery prediction was different, and I felt that time should have been spent covering it more clearly. However, since this is an unadvertised bonus, it's hard to let this hurt the rating too much. There was also a section on how to use different colored ink (one for the prediction and one for the stuff written on the notepad) that was pretty much pointless. Essentially he just said that there was not really a workable method, and that the only method he could think of was using a product that doesn't exist anymore and is too obvious (his words, not mine). So I'm just not sure why that was on the DVD. Other than that . . . Most is well enough here.

Final Thoughts

What it comes down to is this: you're getting a system that allows you to have a prediction in plain site from the beginning. The prediction can be shown to have predicted literally anything the spectator names. Considering how well made everything included is, the overall product quality, the clarity of effect, the realistic and doable method along with the main instructions, this is a very solid product.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.

(Top ▲)

Dr. J. M. Ayala De Cedoz

Official Reviewer

Feb 03, 2015

Since I have had the Dream Prediction Elite I have had the chance to take it out into the real world and add it to my shows, so now I have at least had a chance to learn more about it.

What you are getting in this package is a nice leather wallet, a pad of papers, some custom envelopes and a DVD, all packaged in a very nice box.

The ad copy says that the wallet was custom made and maybe it was, and although it is very well made, there is nothing particularly special about it. If you do not like the design of the wallet that comes with this, the good news is that you do not have to use it - it is included because it gives a nice professional look. You can use other similar types of wallet if you choose, but I use the one included because it works just fine for me - it has a place for the writing pad, a place for the envelopes and a loop in the spine on the inside to store and carry a pen or pencil.

The envelopes are cleverly designed and these are the main modus operandi of the whole effect. They are well made and you get 10 of these in the box. These are not one-time use envelopes, but they are what I would consider 'individually dedicated'. Allow me to explain: Suppose I want to predict three things in my restaurant set - a travel destination, an amount of money and an anniversary date, one envelope would be used for that particular prediction. In another show, to predict the make of a car, the year of the model and the cost, then you would be using a different envelope. It depends on how you set up the envelopes to display the prediction in the window - this is why multiple envelopes are included. They will probably wear out after a long time of regular use, but it is hard to say even roughly how long it would take, or if they would wear out at all. It is not mentioned in the ad copy or on the DVD whether it is possible to buy more envelopes, though this would be a nice option. I would suggest contacting Paul Romhany or Alan Wong (who made the envelopes) if you end up needing more or needing replacements, though once you know how they are made, you could probably make them yourself.

The ad copy says that the spectators can hold the envelope during the performance and while this is true, you would need to be careful with this. If you set it on the table and leave it there, then you should not have any issues.

The DVD was not studio quality but rather a home video quality. The video was clear but the sound on my disc was a little lower than I would like, but it was still clear and easy to make out what he was saying. There are some so-so live demonstrations of the effect from Paul at a coffee shop - again not top-notch quality but okay.

The other live performance sort of bugged me a little bit becauase it was another performer doing this effect at the Magic Castle in a parlor setting, with props sized to suit the venue. Now, you might see this and think they give you some idea of how to construct the Dream Prediction Elite props for a parlor-sized audience - they do not. I let this go because it does work exactly the same as the close-up version that you get with this product, with a few slight changes in handling to compensate for the size difference. Once you learn how the close-up version works and how to use it, it would not be hard to make your own in other sizes if you so desire.

I am not sure how this bonus Magic Castle performance ended because the video cut out before the woman even finished reading the prediction - I am not sure if this is just on my disc or not.

I am not sure I quite agree with the $99 price tag on this because the DVD production quality is not great and the effect is not exactly earth-shattering, but if you are a worker then it is still reasonable. The props are not the issue because they are very well made - I just think this could have been a little lower.

All in all, I have found a lot of great uses for this product and it gets a great reaction in most places when you play it correctly. It is very versatile because it can be used as a stand-alone effect or it can be incorporated into your other mentalism and magic effects/routines. You can do any number of predictions with this and it will be easily at home whether you use it in your restaurant work or on a trade show floor.

If you like Confabulation-type effects and have ever wanted a version for close-up work (or even parlor/stage if you make up the props) that is straightforward, easy to do and takes up little space, this is the version for you.

Very highly recommended!
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