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Standup Magic

Wright, Tom

World Magic Shop

(Based on 1 review)
This DVD will change the way you perform close up magic.

In this two DVD set, you will witness Tom Wright performing his number one set at high level corporate dinners. Naturally, this material, which has made Tom one of the most sought after magicians in Europe today is fully explained. However, that is not the real value in this project...

Tom reveals for the first time, his unique concept of 'Stand Up Magic'.

Follow Tom's philosophies and you are guaranteed:
More Attention From You Spectators.
Louder Applause.
Better Reactions.
A Standing Ovation At Every Performance!
As well as Tom's philosophies on Stand Up Magic, studio explanations are included for the following routines, including full performance patter and presentation:
Bottle Production With Your Shoe
Chop Cup Game Show
Card From Mouth & Card In Mouth
Bottle Penetration
Plus Tom's Ring On Rope routine as an extra little bonus.

"Tom has the best chop cup routine I have ever seen"
- David Penn

"To create an original magic effect is rare. Tom has created a whole new genre! Stand up Magic could change the way close-up workers perform magic forever. It's an incredible idea taught with a passion and belief rarely seen. Every magician needs to see it, understand it and try it for themselves."
- Matthew Wright two-time FISM award winner


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Mar 21, 2015

Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: What I've Done by Marie Digby

Tom Wright: Stand Up Magic Review

Two DVDs, three hours and $49 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


This set isn't, so much, about tricks. However, several effects are taught in depth. We'll get to the effects in a moment. The real purpose of this DVD is to teach Tom Wright's unique way of performing close up magic. I could sum up the concept in four words. However, I will not be doing that because there is so much more to the principle than the four words I might use.

This concept changing the entire dynamic of and relationship with your close up audience. It allows you to perform your effects with better handling and visuals. It allows you to do material that you might not otherwise be able to do at a close up gig. It dramatically increases the attention and focus of your audience. You'll get better reactions and better responses from your audience. This is a very simple and very effective concept. At first it may seem a little bold. However, Tom Wright teaches you how to comfortably and "safely" ease your way into it.

As for the effects, you'll learn his handling for a Bottle Production (and shoe production), Chop Cup, Cards from Mouth, Signed Card to Mouth, Bottle Through Table and his Ring and Rope routine.

The first DVD is live footage at an actual corporate event of him performing his set. The same set is performed at multiple tables, so you'll see the full set about 8 times. Following that, you'll see an in-the-studio performance of the set, and a studio-only performance of the Ring and Rope routine — this routine was not in the live show footage.

The methods are all very solid and pretty standard methods for these effects. If you decide to do his set as he does it, you will be pretty loaded up with objects (bottle, chop cup loads, chop cup, chop cup balls, rope, small ring from a linking ring set for the rope routine, and a deck of cards.

The methods require that you buy a couple of gimmicks. The Bottle Through Table requires a gimmick that he shows you, but does not tell you what it's called or where to get it or how to find it. The Bottle Production requires a hold out gimmick that he also does not tell you where to purchase it or how to get it.

Other than that, everything else is pretty standard. Everything is totally doable. The rope routine has some very smart combinations of ideas and methods that make for a very visual routine. It also includes a handling of The Professor's Nightmare that is super clean and visual. It's a method I was not familiar with and is, in my opinion, far superior to the "standard" method we've all seen.

The second DVD is where you are introduced to the details of the concept of Tom Wright's idea. It's here where you learn just how smart and clever this EXTREMELY simple idea is. You'll also learn how to perform all of the effects shown in the first DVD. This second DVD is 2 hours long. The first is an hour. Whew! That's a lot of stuff.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is 100% accurate. The concept that you will learn really will do everything that it claims it will do. The only thing I'd "question" is David Penn's testimonial that "Tom has the best chop cup routine I have ever seen." Yes; I know that it's an opinion. However, Tom Wright's chop cup routine is very similar to just about every chop cup routine I've seen. There is nothing "special" that makes it stand out above any other particular routine.

Obviously, this is all opinion and has no bearing on the final rating, but the reason I bring it up is because a statement like David Penn's feels a bit more like hype in the advertisement copy. That's the only issue I have, and it's a small one.

Product Quality

The videos are produced well: well lit, well mic'd, easy to navigate, etc. Even the live footage looked good. Plus being able to see the performances multiple times helped get a sense of how things flow and how he manages different situations.

The teaching of the methods was done extremely well and in great detail . . . maybe too much detail, but it's all there. I'd rather have too much than too little. Of course, I'd rather have that Goldilocks dream of just right, but I'll take the too much.

Remember, the point of this set isn't to learn his effects/routine; it is to learn (and see in action) this new concept in performing close up magic. I really see how this could revolutionize your performances as claimed in the ad copy. However, even though learning tricks ain't what it's all about, you'll still learn a lot of great tips and ideas from a working professional.

Final Thoughts

This product is SOLID all around. I will point out, as I often do when I see performances that have "problems," that you should not try to do the effects like he does. This is for two reasons. First, nobody likes a copy cat. But second and more importantly, Tom Wright has a lot of bad habits that you don't want to pick up. These have no bearing on the final rating, but there are a warning to the purchaser and maybe a helpful critique to Tom.

I'll just mention a few of the issues. First, he tends to be a bit pushy with his audience. He kind of treats them like mindless prop handlers: "Here you hold this, and you over there, examine this; ok, now give that back to me, and place this over there." It's a bit impersonal and has a lot of potential for growth.

Another issue is the extremely over used and abused phrase, "I'll Tell You What." However, as is typical with those who use this phrase, it's less "I'll Tell You What," and more "TeYouWha." That drives me crazy, and it's a sign of not properly thinking about what you're saying to your audience, which means you're not truly connecting with them. Again, this has no bearing on the final rating, but it's important that you not pick up these bad habits when you pick up this DVD set.

Because even with those flaws (and others I've not mentioned) in his performances, this technique that he teaches for changing your close up magic still works extremely well and does everything it claims to do and more.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.

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