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Magnetic Deck


Granell Magic

(Based on 4 reviews)
Imagine a special deck of cards with real magnets that will allow you to perform unbelievable flourishes.
You will be able to do in minutes what professionals take months to practice.

Do Incredible Moves

Learn in Minutes

Special deck with real magnets

With step by step tutorials

Special Gimmick Included


Doc Johnson

Official Reviewer

Jul 17, 2015


I’m at a loss for words.


In my opinion,

The method is terrible. The instruction is terrible. The whole thing was a big disappointment.

It is hard to give a good reason for why it was so disappointing without giving away the method. However, let's just say that the method was very poor. Once you do the effect, forget handing out the cards for examination, you can't even show the cards as individual cards in your own hands. I was hoping that the method involved some sort of clever use of magnets that made it seem like ordinary cards are being manipulated in an extraordinary way. Not the case with this.

When I review magic products, I am looking for how a prospective buyer may take the product and do great magic with it. I will even make suggestions for how you may use this product in a slightly different way to make better magic. However, in this case, the entire premise is flawed and the method is weak.


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Josh Burch

Nov 20, 2014

I dabble in cardistry, I keep up with the who’s who, I have a handful of Just cardistry DVDs and I can do Dan and Dave’s Pandora. I do it because it is interesting, challenging and it keeps my fingers nimble. I feel like I have a healthy respect for this craft.

This product was a little frustrating. As far as teaching goes it was fine. There is an introduction to the gimmick in Spanish with English subtitles. The first piece of misinformation is revealed here, it isn’t a gimmicked deck, it’s a single gimmicked packet that you can add to a deck. The deck itself is not magnetic, it’s just the packet.

The flourishes themselves are all taught in silence, this doesn’t harm the teaching but I prefer to be walked through by voice. This isn’t a big deal though. There are a couple that are taught where you need the gimmick but there are a handful where the gimmick is completely useless, either way for the majority of these flourishes you will take at least a couple days to learn them cold turkey. Many of the flourishes aren’t really his to teach in the first place.

Sloppy flourishes, a funky gimmick that doesn’t really do what it says it will and a few copies of flourishes. I can’t recommend this.
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Dr. J. M. Ayala De Cedoz

Official Reviewer

Nov 15, 2014

I have no idea where to begin...This was one of the worst instructional videos I have ever seen in my life!

Let me get the good points out of the way first: The gimmick is well made, the lighting on the video was good and the video quality was clear.

Now on to the crappy parts...and there are plenty. I will try to be brief.

So the DVD starts right up on a menu. At the top is a button for the trailer, then one for the Index of Effects and another for a Tutorial Introduction. Below those three are 12 buttons for Effect 01, Effect 02, etc. Then there is a button which will take you to a second page where you see 11 more buttons for Effect 13 through Effect 23. At the bottom of the second page is a button for a trailer of another product.

What you DO NOT see anywhere is a Play All button. Nor is there any mention of where to find the instructions. Back to the front page again. It was only after watching the videos for Effect 01, Effect 02, Effect 03, Effect 04 and Effect 05 that I realized that those are the "Index of Effects" list. Okay. So now, where are the instructions?

I clicked on the "Tutorial Introduction". This is the only part where there is speaking anywhere on this DVD (subtitled in English) and all it is is an explanation of a couple places to store the gimmick and how to ring it in for use. It is only 3 minutes and 40 seconds long. Sufficient for what it needed to be. Another point but a decidedly minor one: in this section he mentions that there are orientation markings on the gimmick. There were absolutely none on mine, but this is something that you can easily do yourself, so it is really a non-issue.

It was only after watching those Index of Effects buttons that I realized that those ARE the instructions too...So it is both a demonstration of what the effect is supposed to look like from a head-on shot, then the camera switches to a different angle to show you the "explanation". There is no step-by-step instruction. Most of the "explanations" were just a run-through of what you saw in the head-on shot. There is no real break-down of the moves that you must do with the gimmick and in every effect, depending on the desired outcome, the gimmick must start in a specific orientation. Only some of the time does he show you the starting orientation. There are no words or subtitles to explain various steps or to give any hints/tips for the moves. Some of the explanations are done a little slower, but you still have to be creative in order to work the handling out completely.

Some of the figures and the movements/grips/adjustments required make it so very obvious that you are using a gimmick. Some of the figures you are making s.c.r.e.a.m. 'GIMMICK' because the movements or actions to set up are so clunky.

Now, I am not an XCM guy nor do I do any fancy flourishing in my public performances - it is just my preference in relation to my style and character. Having said that, I broke out a deck of regular cards to try and make some of the figures with regular cards. Since I have no practice with XCM, it took me a few seconds to work some of them out, but I was able to do most of them without issue, albeit slowly. Anyone with XCM experience would undoubtedly be able to make them easily and speedily. For that matter they would also be able to make them a lot cleaner, both in setup and display.

Now, there are some things that are shown with this gimmick that absolutely cannot be done with a regular packet of cards. Some of them are more realistic than others and yet again, some of the scream "gimmick". One example is dropping a packet of cards and kicking it into the air and catching them on the rest of the deck without dropping a single card.

The gimmick does have its limitations as most do. For one thing, it is all-backs. I understand this but I think it would look better (more realistic/appropriate?) with faces in appropriate spots. Second, it only closes in one direction - at least mine only closes in one direction. If you try to close it in the opposite direction, there is a resistance that does not allow it to close completely. I cannot really say more than that without giving it away.

The ad copy is short but only 99% truthful. The 1% docking comes from the claim of "Step by step instruction" - nothing on the DVD can be counted as such. The second point is a minor one and rather subjective, but it says that you will be able to use the deck to do "unbelievable flourishes" - most of them are unbelievable alright - they look like crap and are quite obviously gimmicked. The third point really is not even a "point" but it is the statement of " with real magnets..." Real magnets as opposed to what? Fake magnets? Why put that in the ad copy?

If I were to rate this product solely on the quality of the gimmick, it would probably be around 4-4.5 stars, but unfortunately I cannot do that.

I do realize that this product is aimed at "lazy" people that want to do XCM without the practice or those that do not have the time to practice, but given the limitations of the gimmick, the practice that would be required to set some of the figures up with said gimmick and combined with the horrible teaching, you would be so much better off getting the Dan & Dave Trilogy series and learning the real stuff.

I just cannot wholeheartedly recommend this product, but if you think you might find a use for it, go for it. Again, personally I would recommend that if you want to do anything of this nature (XCM), buy the Dan & Dave products and learn the un-gimmicked stuff. For starters the teaching will be light years ahead of that on this DVD.

I was torn as to whether to give this 1.5 stars or 2 stars, but because of the possibility that someone might find a use for the gimmick:

2 dim stars for the gimmick alone.
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Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Nov 11, 2014

Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Matador by Willie Nelson

Magnetic Deck by Granell Review:

73% of a deck of cards, one DVD, one gimmick and $30 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


This is less an effect and more a utility prop. It (supposedly) aids in your ability to do certain flourishes. Below is a list of the effects found on the DVD:

  • Effect 01

  • Effect 02

  • Effect 03

  • Effect 04

  • Effect 05

  • Effect 06

  • Effect 07

  • Effect 08

  • Effect 09

  • Effect 10

  • Effect 11

  • Effect 12

  • Effect 13

  • Effect 14

  • Effect 15

  • Effect 16

  • Effect 17

  • Effect 18

  • Effect 19

  • Effect 20

  • Effect 21

  • Effect 22

  • Effect 23

Nope. That's not a glitch or a typo. That's the name of the effects. We'll talk more about this problem momentarily. Here is, however, a sample of some of the things that pass for effects: cut a packet of cards and balance it on top of a bottle (yep . . . that's it), Finley's Tent Vanish with a chunk of cards instead of one (why you need a gimmick for this is beyond me), clunky and awkward card controls, etc., etc., nothing much to see here folks.


Again, this is all about the gimmick that you receive with the DVD. As pointed out in the ad copy, it's a magnetic gimmick. Basically you get a block of cards that have been magnetically attached to each other in such a way that you can open them up and do "flourishes."

Ad Copy Integrity

Both the written and video ad copy claim that you can learn "in minutes what pros take months to practice." This is a bit misleading. Much of the stuff shown can ONLY be done with this deck/gimmick and cannot be done with a regular deck regardless of how many months you practice. The few things that do mimic months-practicing pros don't look near as good or clean as they would if you put the time in to learn it without the gimmick.

In some cases, the non-gimmicked method is much easier, and in almost all cases, the non-gimmicked version looks much better and much cleaner. The next claim is that you get step by step tutorials. This is also inaccurate. The entire DVD (with a small exception we'll address in a moment) is done with no talking, just music. I recently reviewed Moneypulation by Lawrens Godon which did the explanations the same way. In the case of Godon's product, it worked.

In the case of this product, however, it does not work because the workings and handling of the gimmick are too complex and intricate to learn without the aid of speech. There were some cases where I watched the video multiple times and tried to figure out how exactly he was utilizing the gimmick. In some cases I just could not understand the explanation. It was too quick, not thorough and not clear.

I'd have to say that, on many levels, the ad copy failed.

Product Quality

The gimmick itself is well made from 808 "Bikes." However, the DVD was a huge product quality fail. As mentioned already, the teaching was not always clean, clear or thorough enough. Other than the very brief "explanation of the gimmick" section, there is no talking. The explanation section is spoken in Spanish and subtitled in English. There were a few lost in translation moments as well as several moments where I had to stop the video to read the text, and then look at the gimmick on the screen and in my hand to make sure I understood what was being said. That's not a total fail. I expect this sort of thing to happen when translating a video, so for the most part this isn't horrible.

The DVD menu and structure itself, however, was a huge fail. First, as mentioned earlier, the effect names are simply numbers. So if you want to go back and re watch a particular effect/section, you basically have to go back and re watch each individual effect until you find it. Further, there is no play all button, and when watching one segment, you can't skip to the next one. You have to stop, go back to the main menu and click the next video. With 23 effects, that gets old real quick. To make matters worse, there is a menu item that will play all the performances back to back. However, there is no option to play all the explanations at once.

You have to click the explanations one at a time, and when you click it, it plays the effect again immediately followed by the explanation; then it dumps you back on the main menu. So if I'm watching the back to back performances and I decide I want to learn a particular one, I have to stop, hope that I noticed the brief text overlay saying which trick number is; then I have to go to the main menu, find (hopefully) the right number, click it and thus watch the performance again followed by the explanation.

What a royal pain in the . . . ahem . . . tushie.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line on this DVD is that $30 isn't a terrible price to pay for the gimmick if you think you would use it. Also, the fact that I found no use for it doesn't mean that no uses exist. But based on watching the performer fumble through a bunch of awkward "moves" and "flourishes" and "effects" and based on a terrible learning experience, and a convolution of stuff that is easier done without the gimmick, I cannot recommend this product.

Final Verdict:
1.5 Stars with a Stone Status of rubble.

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