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Eratay, Berk

Inner Mind Productions

(Based on 1 review)
NOTE: This item is for the Biokinesis DVD ONLY! Lenses sold separately.

"During my Turkish The New Uri Geller TV series I was most impressed by Berk Eratay a young performer who stunned us all by being able to change the color of his eyes, his performance was mesmerizing!"
- Uri Geller

Inner Mind Productions Are Proud To Present Berk Eratay's Biokinesis

It's time of open your mind to the power of Biokinesis...

What is Biokinesis?

Biokinesis is the ability to use kinetic energy to rearrange or control the genes in your own body. So if you mastered Biokinesis would it be possible to genetically reprogram yourself? The answer, in theory, is yes!

This is one of the most astonishing things you will ever see: Imagine that you are performing your favorite effect and at the key moment you ask your spectator to stare into your eyes. Your eyes close as if you are falling in to a trance and when you open them again they have turned completely white! That's right - your eyes have totally changed color!!

Believe me this will freak out even the most cynical of spectators. And then whenever you choose, you can close your eyes, come out of the trance and your eyes are totally back to normal! You really have to see this in action to understand how amazing this actually looks. It's like a special effect done live! And unbelievably, it can be instantly repeated.

Berk Eratay's original version of Biokinesis helped him win the title of Uri Geller's Phenomenon in the Turkish version of the TV show. He spent over 8 years developing and refining this incredible effect and with the help of a top eye surgeon Berk has created the perfect custom made gimmicks to apparently achieve the impossible.

In developing his effect Berk tested well over 200 prototypes until he was 100% satisfied that the gimmicks were perfect in every way. The gimmicks you will receive are the very same design that won Berk title of The Phenomenon.

Berk's highly-original Biokinesis effect with allow you to change the colour of your eyes at will and more importantly instantly change them back to normal.

On the DVD Berk covers every aspect of his method, which includes:

  • The correct set up.
  • The proper care of the gimmicks.
  • Full handling details, including the tips and tricks he has mastered over 8 years and thousands of performances!
  • Full instructions on activating and deactivating the gimmicks during any performance.

This really is one of the most original & astounding things you will ever see. It was the talk of MindVention 2008 and this is the first time Berk has ever revealed the full secrets behind this miracle.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Are the gimmicks hard to use?
A: We provide detailed instructions on the DVD.

Q: Are the gimmicks hard to use or wear?
A: We provide detailed and easy-to-follow instructions on the DVD.

Q: How long do the gimmicks last?
A: When unopened the product has a two year life span, however as soon as the vial is opened the product has between 6 - 12 months life span during this time you can wear them as often as you want.

Q: I wear glasses does this mean I can't perform Biokinesis?
A: As the Biokinesis gimmicks do not alter your vision there is no reason why you can't wear them at the same time as your glasses.

Q: I wear contact lenses; can I wear the gimmicks over or under them?
A: No if you wear contacts to correct your vision you will need look into getting prescription gimmicks from your optician.

Q: What is the minimum age?
A: Those purchasing this product agree that they are over eighteen years of age and are buying it with the sole intention of educational purposes only. However, there is no law stating a minimum age regarding the type of gimmicks supplied.

NOTE: This item is for the Biokinesis DVD ONLY! Lenses sold separately.


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Aug 26, 2011

Have you ever wanted to spend your hard-earned cash on something that you're not "supposed" to use? Well if so, then this is for you. Biokinesis is a color-changing eye effect. I won't expose the method, but I will quote a piece of the ad copy's Q&A section:

Q: I wear contact lenses; can I wear the gimmicks over or under them?
A: No if you wear contacts to correct your vision you will need look into getting prescription gimmicks from your optician.

I'm guessing you now know the basic method. However, the above statement is quite misleading because in the video, multiple times, the hosts make it very clear that you cannot buy these . . . ahem . . . gimmicks anywhere but through them because they are a special type of . . . ahem . . . gimmick unlike the kind that most people who have vision problems wear. They are much softer than typical Contact Lenses (I know . . . I said it . . . sorry).

In fact, they very adamantly stress the fact that if you try this with any other lens but the one they've created, that you will likely scratch your cornea. This DVD, as stated in the ad copy and over a dozen times on the DVD, is strictly for educational purposes only. And even though they teach you everything you need to know to do the effect in excruciating detail, they continue to reiterate that they do not want you to do the effect. It's a rouse that's becoming quite hackneyed.

The DVD is $31.00. It's very thorough in teaching the forbidden effect. Barring a few lighting issues, the DVD is a solid product as far as quality goes, and the teaching is pretty solid too. It does NOT come with the lenses. They are sold separately for $46.50. Berk Eratay has been doing the effect for years, and he teaches multiple methods for performing the effect. In fact, he teaches his co-host to do the effect in the video shoot. His co-host has never worn contact lenses in his life.

It's relatively entertaining to watch, though there are several parts that drag on and on . . .

This is not an easy effect, and will be one that most people will likely never use. If you think you would truly use it, then it's probably worth it . . . although I cannot speak to the quality of the lenses, only the instructional DVD.

If you're just curious how the effect works, and you wanna kill a couple of hours and you've got $31.00 bucks that you don't have a use for, then it's probably worth it. All in all, just as an instructional DVD, the product is pretty solid. However, the fact that you must spend at least another $46.50 to do the effect along with the other things I can't, in good conscience, give this more than 3 stars . . .
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