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New York Coin Seminar #6


Reels in Motion

(Based on 1 review)
PRODUCTIONS AND VANISHES begins with two innovative routines by Mike Gallo, Clipless Clip, and Smooth as Silk, which both utilize a sneaky way to silently vanish several coins.David Roth follows with the classic Portable Hole routine. Dr. Michael Rubinstein makes a signed coin and selected card reappear in an empty card case with Case Solved. Special guest Giacomo Bertini releases an unpublished method for manufacturing three coins with his Fort Knox. To finish this section, special guest Dr. Kainoa Harbottle reveals an innovative way to vanish four coins.

PENETRATIONS starts off with Roth explaining three methods for Coins Through the Table, including Kap's Squashed. Rubinstein follows with a new way to do an old trick, in Bill through Quarter. Rubinstein's Penny Roll is the Ball and Tube done with coins. Guest host Marc DeSouza returns in this series to perform his take on Cylinder and Coins.

The BONUS section is a virtual lesson on coin magic. After a performance of The Tuning Fork by Roth,. Mike Gallo goes over several moves and routines in a selection of material from his New York Coin Magic Seminar workshop. There is a performance of Gallo's Coins Through the Table with the classic Gallo kicker ending, followed by an in depth lesson on Pinky Technique from special guest Giacomo Bertini. Ending this disc is a special offering from guest contributor and young gun Eric Jones, called Tai Chi Penetration.

Running Time Approximately 168min


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Feb 24, 2014

For $35 you get:

  • 2 Effects By Mike Gallo

  • 4 Effects By David Roth

  • 3 Effects By Dr. Michael Rubinstein

  • 1 Effect By Marc DeSouza

  • 1 Effect By Giacomo Bertini

  • 1 Effect By Dr. Kainoa Harbottle

For the math impaired, that's 12 effects performed and taught by some of the best in the world of Coin magic. Then you get the bonus section. I have a couple of issues with the bonus section. There is one effect performed in the bonus section by David Roth - his Tuning Fork trick - that is the best thing on the DVD, but he doesn't teach it. :(

You also get a performance only of Mike Gallo's handling of Coins Through Table.

Additionally you get a performance and explanation of Eric Jones's Tai Chi which is his handling on Karate Koin. It's very good and definitely worth learning.

You also get a pretty long workshop with Mike Gallo teaching several things to a group of magi sitting around his table. Among the material taught is a pretty thorough session on his Gallo Pitch. Most of the footage is shot from over Gallo's shoulders.

Finally, still in the bonus section, you get a tutorial by Bertini on the Pinky Technique which is a killer and invisible transfer of a coin from hand to hand. Beautiful . . . it'll probably take you the rest of your life to master it, but still . . . beautiful.

That's the bonus section . . . pretty solid stuff.

Briefly, here is some commentary on the main section:

Although all of these guys are solid coin workers, I really have a hard time with the "patter." Roth has this annoying habit of saying the same thing three different ways in just about every routine (e.g., "I'm going to cause this going to vanish, dissolve, evaporate, disappear, no longer exist . . .").

Imagine him doing that with every line of script in every single effect in every performance in every section on this DVD. It's annoying, agitating, bothersome, troubling . . .

Pretty much all of the performers did the standard patter that drives me crazy . . . If I put this here and that there, then wiggle like this and wave my hand like this, then that happens, but if I do this like this and that, then that happens!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please! For the love of all that is good an holy STOP STOP STOP DOING THAT! It sucks! It's the worst freakin' patter (if you can even call it that) in the world. Fine, maybe in one effect in your set can ad some variety, but EVERY TRICK! Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only exception was Dr. Rubinstein. However, he effect was pretty much the worst one on the DVD. So thought his patter was a little more exciting and meaningful, the effect was weak and clunky and took the whole magician-in-trouble syndrome way too far.

Finally, last complaint . . . people have really got to stop doing Ramsay's Cylinder and Coins. It's just not that good of an effect and is pretty meaningless. DeSouza's handling (which was pretty much the same as Ramsay's) is no exception.

All those complaints aside, you'll learn some clever techniques on here along with a couple of different versions of Coins Through Table. Probably the highlight is Roth performing and teaching Fred Kaps's Squash, a beautiful four coins at once through the table. It's perfect! It's not a strolling type thing, but, as Roth points out, there is a time and a place for it.

Gallo's stuff is pretty cool using a concept that I've not seen before to accomplish some really clever vanishes of multiple coins. All in all, the DVD is worth the cost if you're a coin person. If you're not a coin person, there's really not much here for you. I'm not a coin person, but I'll occasionally pick up an effect or two from coin resources that I might use . . . but not from this one.

So if you're a coin magician . . . get this DVD.

Final Verdict: 3.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.
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