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Sankey's Best Magic with Ordinary Objects

Jay Sankey

(Based on 1 review)
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  • 20 of Jay's most celebrated routines with ordinary household objects!
  • Includes 'lost Sankey gems!' Little know, wildly creative, hard-hitting effects from some of Jay's earliest DVDs!
  • Instead of magic with cards or coins, learn to perform many of Jay's favorite magic and mental routines with dollar bills, finger rings, spoons, drinking straws, rubber bands, ping pong balls, movie tickets, lighters, crayons, jingle bells, keys, monopoly money, wine corks, eggs, silly putty and more!
  • Over 25 years in the making! All of Jay's BEST magic with ordinary objects on ONE DVD!
  • Outstanding value & convenience!
  • An incredible VARIETY of material!
  • Many of the ingenious effects require only BASIC sleight-of-hand!
  • For LESS than the cost of many 1-trick DVDs sold on the market, you can now own 20 of Jay's BEST effects with ordinary objects!
No cards, no coins, no strange props. Just astonishing magic and mentalism with stuff you would find around the house!

This is a self-contained DVD with all the sleights taught in complete detail! And many of the 'mind over muscles' effects require only basic sleight-of-hand!

1.ALCHEMY SELTZER/ Swallow and restore an INITIALED Alka-Seltzer tablet! The PERFECT restaurant trick!

2.TYING THE KNOT/ A borrowed finger ring and dollar bill penetrate each other, not once but TWICE! The visuals will knock you out!

3.DIRECTOR'S CUT/ A self-working mentalist's wet dream! This easily plays for an audience of 25 people!

4.CUT & RESTRAWED/ Jay's classic cut & restored drinking straw handling. Freak people out in the bar, the restaurant, the street!

5.STIRRING SILVER/ One of Jay's best known effects. A completely impromptu miracle with a borrowed spoon and finger ring!

6.SIMPLE DIVISION/ A 'lost gem' handling from Jay's early days. Visually SPLIT one rubber band into two. The perfect addition to any rubber band routine!

7.CIRCUMFERENCE/ A round piece of paper transforms into a ping pong ball. And then a moment later BACK into an ordinary piece of paper!

8.20TH CENTURY FOX/ A beautifully thought out routine with 3 paper raffle tickets!

9.SEEING RED/ A paddle effect with an ordinary lighter and a kickass ending!

10.HOT WAX/ The broken and restored crayon handling Jay developed for his restaurant work!

11.DUET/ A 'sound' transposition between two jingle bells. (Ho! Ho! How the hell?)

12.BENDER/ If you've ever wanted to be able to do a completely UNDETECTABLE spoon bend - this is it!!

13.AMPHIBEAN/ If you work restaurants you NEED this handling! A marked coin appears inside an unopened creamer container!

14.SENSATIONS/ A 2-key transpo that almost works by itself!

15.MISMADE MONOPOLY/ 'Back in the day' Jay performed this as part of his kid show. Now it's a 'standard' in his adult walk around work!

16.CORKER/ Thanks to the Gallo Pitch, Jay restores two pieces of a broken wine cork!

17.HEAT OF THE MOMENT/ A lovely piece of impromptu magic with a rubber band and a pen. Perfect for school or work!

18.GOLDEN TREASURE/ A marked coin appears inside an egg (and it really is INSIDE the egg!!!!)

19.PAPER TRADE/ Uber-economical transposition with a piece of notepaper! You are going to love the INSTANT RESET!

20.IN VITRO/ The impression from a borrowed key travels from one piece of Silly Putty to another! Very strange and VERY magical!

Running Time Approximately 1hr 52min


Jeff Stone

Official Reviewer

Mar 14, 2010

Pre-Review "Disclosure"/"Disclaimer":

Ok many of you probably know that Jay Sankey and I are good friends and that we've worked together on a project or two in the past, and we also are consultants to one another.

I get feedback from him on my stuff, and he gets feedback from me on a lot of his stuff. Additionally, I do not receive any sort of compensation whatsoever for reviewing or "pitching" his products (I was briefly involved with this project . . . I offered feedback and suggestion on which effects from past projects should be included.).

I tell you that up front just to sort of clear the air and to let you know that when I give Jay feedback, I'm brutally honest with him. I tell him if I think he has a crappy idea or a good idea. He wouldn't have it any other way, nor would I. So I want to make it clear that Jay's products get the same level of scrutiny as any other products I review.

On to the review:
This offering from Sankey Magic is perfect for fans and people who are unfamiliar with Jay's work. This is a 5 DVD set (each sold individually). Basically these DVDs are a collection of footage from previous DVDs. His best stuff combined from various different past projects.

The beauty of this from a fan's perspective is that you have all of Jay's killer stuff at your finger tips. You don't have to dig through your collection to find what you're looking for. After watching these, I realized that there was some footage that I didn't recognize, and I thought I had everything from Jay.

For anyone unfamiliar with Jay's work or those who haven't made the full-on-die-hard-Sankey-fan leap yet, this is perfect. Pick your favorite subject (cards, coins, mentalism, street magic, ordinary objects) and get Sankey's Best. You'll quickly know if you like Jay's material or not. My gut tells me that you will.

One of my favorite things about this set is that you get to see all different sides of Jay from several different projects . . . "Serious Jay", "Funny Jay", "Professional Jay", "Crazy Jay", "Insane Jay", it's fun to see the variety.

For each of the five sets (Cards, Coins, Mentalism, Street Magic, Ordinary Objects), you will find the above commentary as well as specifics about the particular DVD. First the effect title, then description from the ad copy, then my opinion, so onward with . . . Ordinary Objects:

ALCHEMY SELTZER: Swallow and restore an INITIALED Alka-Seltzer tablet! The PERFECT restaurant trick!
Kind of gross frankly. I wouldn't say it's the "Perfect" restaurant trick . . . maybe bar trick. The idea isn't bad, but I felt it needed that proverbial "something." Why is the spectator signing the Alka Seltzer? The method and handling are fine, but the effect is a little "yucky" to me, and if you get past the yucky factor, then you still need to come up with a presentation for it. (1 out of 5 Stars)

TYING THE KNOT: A borrowed finger ring and dollar bill penetrate each other, not once but TWICE! The visuals will knock you out!
This . . . Bea You Tea Full! A seriously visual piece of magic, and it uses borrowed objects. You need to be prepared with a little hidden extra something, but with that extra something on you (which you already have), you just borrow a ring, and borrow a dollar bill and go. Perfect! (5 out of 5 Stars)

DIRECTOR'S CUT: A self-working mentalist's wet dream! This easily plays for an audience of 25 people!
I don't know about this being a wet dream. However, it did leave a big fat smile on my face, and it immediately went into my stand up repertoire. I've been doing it for a long time, ever since I saw it originally on Hemispheres. This is self working and simple and beautiful. (5 out of 5)

CUT & RESTRAWED: Jay's classic cut & restored drinking straw handling. Freak people out in the bar, the restaurant, the street!
This is, possibly, the perfect restaurant opening effect. Only one problem I have with it . . . the visuals looked slightly off on the handling Jay showed. It's probably more of a product of my critical eye than his handling. However, if you are even slightly off, you blow the effect. (4 out 5).

STIRRING SILVER: One of Jay's best known effects. A completely impromptu miracle with a borrowed spoon and finger ring!
Best Sankey effect ever. If you've studied Jay's work, you're likely familiar with this. If you're not, then that's all the more reason why you should get this DVD. This is truly 100% impromptu. You need no preparation, and you could even do it completely naked . . . sicko. You borrow a spoon and you borrow a ring. That's it. (7 out of 5).

SIMPLE DIVISION: A 'lost gem' handling from Jay's early days. Visually SPLIT one rubber band into two. The perfect addition to any rubber band routine!
This is a cool piece if you do rubberband magic. It's a great way to turn one into two. It's visual, easy, and has a great premise. (5/5)

CIRCUMFERENCE: A round piece of paper transforms into a ping pong ball. And then a moment later BACK into an ordinary piece of paper!
Very fun idea. I think the premise of being able to compact or flatten something so that it's easily carried around is very relatable, and it's a super visual effect which works well for just about any audience. (5/5)

20TH CENTURY FOX: A beautifully thought out routine with 3 paper raffle tickets!
Clever handling for a clever idea. It needs some presentational help, and the footage was from an EARLY video, so the lighting and quality of this clip weren't as clear as the others, but it's good enough that you understand the concept. (4/5)

SEEING RED: A paddle effect with an ordinary lighter and a kickass ending!
He's right . . . this does have a kick-arse ending. It also has some pointers on the "move" itself, and the effect is SUPER VISUAL! Only problem is that if this is done for strolling, there is a minor reset that might be an issue (4.5/5).

HOT WAX: The broken and restored crayon handling Jay developed for his restaurant work!
Another excellent restaurant opening effect, and it works great for kids and/or family restaurants (4.5/5)

DUET: A 'sound' transposition between two jingle bells. (Ho! Ho! How the hell?)
I LOVE this effect. It is very poetic, and very easy, and what's cooler than the transposition of sound . . . yet it's somehow strangely visual (5.5/5)

BENDER: If you've ever wanted to be able to do a completely UNDETECTABLE spoon bend - this is it!!
Maybe it's me thinking like a magician, but the first time I saw this I saw right through the method. It's clever, and very hands off, and has the potential to really fool people, if you can misdirect them properly. It does have a nice feel to it and could be done with a borrowed spoon on the table and a borrowed dinner napkin. It's a cerebral spoon bend (3.5/5)

AMPHIBEAN: If you work restaurants you NEED this handling! A marked coin appears inside an unopened creamer container!
A little weird, and maybe not 100% believable, but it's someone's style. It has a cool visual moment . . . sort of . . . it looks cool, but it's not so much magical. It's hard to explain, but when you see it, I think you'll understand. Either way, I give this 3 out of 5.

SENSATIONS: A 2-key transpo that almost works by itself!
I like this one a lot, and it has great presentation potential. The premise that Jay uses is excellent. Also, you see a bit of "Wacky Jay" on this one. (5/5).

MISMADE MONOPOLY: 'Back in the day' Jay performed this as part of his kid show. Now it's a 'standard' in his adult walkaround work!
I like this a lot, and again the premise is good along with "Wacky Jay's" performance. It's something that is very relatable as well. Only one problem . . . I didn't like the handling. I would do it a bit differently, but the trick is excellent (4/5).

CORKER: Thanks to the Gallo Pitch, Jay restores two pieces of a broken wine cork!
Cool and visual, but not the most amazing effect on the DVD. However, you do get to learn the Gallo Pitch! (3.5/5)

HEAT OF THE MOMENT: A lovely piece of impromptu magic with a rubber band and a pen. Perfect for school or work!
Pretty cool . . . especially because you just need some borrowed objects laying around . . . a pen and some rubber bands. (3/5)

GOLDEN TREASURE: A marked coin appears inside an egg (and it really is INSIDE the egg!!!!)
This is a cool idea, but what you don't see on this DVD (which I wish Jay would have included) that you do see on the original DVD (1999) it was from is that he explains to you that this is just an idea . . . not something that he performs. It was something he was offering as a cool idea. The only bummer is that he didn't quite go over part of the effect that was needed to completely pull of the effect. (4/5)

PAPER TRADE: Uber-economical transposition with a piece of notepaper! You are going to love the INSTANT RESET!
Not a fan of this one. It's a little bit confusing to follow from the spectator's perspective, but it is down-to-earth. However, if you're going to do a transpo effect, there are better ones out there (2/5)

IN VITRO: The impression from a borrowed key travels from one piece of Silly Putty to another! Very strange and VERY magical!
I like this concept, but there's one part of the effect that, in my opinion, won't stand up to an audience who's played with Silly Putty. However, it might fly. (2.5/5)

If you take the average rating of each trick above, you get a 4.05 out of 5 stars. Add to that the inexpensive price, and Jay's experience (he's been performing since he was a teenager) and you've got a 4.5 or better. One of my favorite things about Jay and his magic is that he never stops thinking, and he shares with the student bits of wisdom and thoughts that just can't be found on other magic projects. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, a Sankey fan or have never heard of Sankey, there is something for you in this DVD. Get it!
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