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Larry Becker and Lee Earle

(Based on 1 review)
Bold, Easy and Entertaining Mentalism!


Four 3.5 x 5 inch plastic cards from a popular parlor game are handed to individuals in your audience. They verify that each one bears the identical four questions to be answered, regarding a person's horoscope sign, a phone number, a romantic experience, and a movie star. Each person is requested to fill in short but complete answers to all four questions and then to pass all cards, face down, to a fifth person who mixes and holds them.

You turn over the top card and show it to the audience, asking, "I wonder whose handwriting this is? This is certainly a person in a hurry. Of course that goes with the horoscope sign here, Libra." All four persons who answered questions are asked to stand, look at the card and think to themselves, "I am not a Libra!"

"Libras are lousy liars," you alliterate, "even when they are just thinking about fibbing." Pointing to one of the four you continue, "You have guilt written all over your face - you a re the Libra and your birthday is...October 23, correct?" The noted participant agrees and is asked to sit down.

You take another card from the face-down pile held by the fifth helper, look at the answers written there and remark, "This person's first kiss was in 1992. Would you please think of where you were at the time? I mean the city, not just 'the back seat'. In that year, you (pointing to one of the three still standing) were in ...Columbus Ohio. Am I right?" The amazed helper agrees and takes his seat. Two participants remain standing.

A third card is looked at, and then you say, "Both of you, close your eyes please. One of you wrote a friend's phone number, (reading it from the card) 488-0980, so imagine dialing your friend right now. Someone answers - a man." You point to one of the two participants and announce, "Think about the person you are's your friend, Phillip Mason! Is that true?" Of course it is.

"My awesome powers," you mention with tongue-in-cheek, "have already identified who wrote on that last card, but rather than reading the information, let's leave it unseen and work directly with his mind." As you draw with a felt marker on a large pad, he is requested to visualize the movie whose title he wrote down and to visualize meeting one of the stars in person for an autograph. "What is the celebrity name you entered on your card," you ask. "Tom Cruise," he replies. "Let's go further. Think of your favorite movie starring Tom it, please." He says it is 'Mission Impossible'. You turn the pad around to show the 'autograph' of Tom Cruise below the title, Mission Impossible!

Shhhh! requires nothing other than a group of people ready to be entertained. No sleights, no gimmicks, no special performing conditions, no stooges, and nothing to replace make Shhhh! outstanding Mentalism. You get the cards, pens detailed instructions, and tips for 'extra touches' to use with this entertaining routine.



Official Reviewer

Apr 12, 2008

Larry Becker is a prolific inventor and thinker of mentalism. One if his most ingenious effects is Sneak Thief. Shhhh is a permutation of that effect. Is it better? I’m not sure, but it does have some interesting variations.

I think any person who has performed Sneak Thief for any amount of time will integrate their personality and individual slant on the effect. Sneak Thief in its most stark form is psychological beauty. It is always interesting to see what the inventor of a master piece will do with it over time.

Shhhh contains 4 large plastic cards with clip art on one side and four questions on the other. Because of the way the cards are printed they take care of the dirty work for you. The cards are meant to look like something from a family game and they do.

The new work that Larry has put into this effect is the use of a dual reality. The audience never really knows the whole deal and this allows for some very interesting revelations. The people who fill out the cards are unaware of how the information is going to be used and are willing participants (unknowingly) of how some of the information becomes amazing to the rest of the audience. It is clever.

The routine is structured for a large audience. Wet erase markers are used on the cards so they can be erased and reused. The routine could also very easily play for a small group. If you love, Sneak Thief, this should be an interesting addition to your repertoire. If you are unaware of Sneak Thief and are looking for a nice piece of mental magic or mentalism this will be a lot of fun for you.

Easily Recommended
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